If you would like any more information any of our committees or ministries please contact the church or the pastor.
Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Our committee involves Hospitality, Discipleship, Community Outreach, and Communication & Public Relations. We provide a daily devotional book.
Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Our committee involves Hospitality, Discipleship, Community Outreach, and Communication & Public Relations. We provide a daily devotional book.
Women of the Evangelical Church of America
All Women of the Church are members. Our yearly rummage sale provides for missions, people in need, funeral meals and we help support the youth etc. We also have monthly Bible studies and quilting.
All Women of the Church are members. Our yearly rummage sale provides for missions, people in need, funeral meals and we help support the youth etc. We also have monthly Bible studies and quilting.
Stewardship Ministry
Seeks to serve God by helping the congregation be aware of their many gifts. We believe that volunteering time, expertise, training or financial contribution, is in grateful response to God’s gifts to us.
Seeks to serve God by helping the congregation be aware of their many gifts. We believe that volunteering time, expertise, training or financial contribution, is in grateful response to God’s gifts to us.
Worship & Music
Works with the pastor planning the worship life of the congregation so the Word is proclaimed and the Sacraments administered.
Works with the pastor planning the worship life of the congregation so the Word is proclaimed and the Sacraments administered.
Altar Guild
Prepares communion so that all people at God’s table are provided with bread and wine, the body and blood of Jesus Christ. As well as taking care of and changing banners, candles and Paraments on the altar and around the sanctuary.
Prepares communion so that all people at God’s table are provided with bread and wine, the body and blood of Jesus Christ. As well as taking care of and changing banners, candles and Paraments on the altar and around the sanctuary.
Health Ministry
An advisory committee for the Parish Nurse. The committee advises and informs the professional parish nurse/nurses about the needs of the congregation.
An advisory committee for the Parish Nurse. The committee advises and informs the professional parish nurse/nurses about the needs of the congregation.
Buildings & Grounds
Strives to keep our church building and grounds in top condition. Some of the tasks include painting, mowing, trimming, gardening, raking and general upkeep, repairs and maintenance.
Strives to keep our church building and grounds in top condition. Some of the tasks include painting, mowing, trimming, gardening, raking and general upkeep, repairs and maintenance.
Christian Education
Works with the pastor in developing and offering Christ-centered educational opportunities within the church and encourages all members to become involved in the educational programs of the church. For more information see Christian Education.
Works with the pastor in developing and offering Christ-centered educational opportunities within the church and encourages all members to become involved in the educational programs of the church. For more information see Christian Education.
Reviews the financial obligations of LCOR’s needs. We receive the financial requests of the different committee’ needs in or around October. We then have a meeting to plan a budget for the following year.
Reviews the financial obligations of LCOR’s needs. We receive the financial requests of the different committee’ needs in or around October. We then have a meeting to plan a budget for the following year.